Engaging Facility Operators to Reduce School Stormwater Pollution
At last month’s 2017 Midwest Facility Masters Conference, Eriksson Engineering Associates, Ltd. (EEA) and FGM Architects presented an instructional and training session, “Improving Water Quality by Reducing Storm Water Generated Pollution.”
Tom Hill, P.E., technical director at EEA, identified several stormwater pollutants typically generated on school sites. His presentation detailed potential local and national consequences of the pollutants, as well as affects on the community, school patrons and students.
Tom also reviewed development strategies, maintenance needs, and operational techniques for reducing pollution runoff. “We can reduce site generated pollutants from our school sites without reducing the level of safety or service provided to our communities,” he added during his presentation.
In addition to stormwater pollution training, encouraging facility operators to bring their perspectives to the design process can result in better treatment strategies for specific sites, maintenance capabilities, and institutional culture.